Revenue Capture

Yap - Giant Stone Money

Yap - Giant Stone Money

Capture the true ‘Value’ of Tourism..

Leakage of tourism expenditure can happen in many ways. Major tour operators and international hotel chains may repatriate profits overseas. Airlines may extract fees for bringing services to a destination. Supplies for hotels, restaurants or tourist attractions may be sourced from overseas (e.g. souvenirs made in China).

In some destinations as much as 90% of tourism expenditure leaves their economy!

Not all leakage is bad. International hotels may often employ more locals than smaller locally managed hotels. OTA’s (online travel agents) may provide cost-effective distribution where local expertise or resources are lacking.

But the decisions on this should always be conscious and linked to a destination's strategy and capabilities. Currently, there is limited understanding of what share of visitor expenditure is retained by a destination and as a result where the opportunities are to capture greater value via strategic direction of policy, industry development, investment priorities or strategic tactics, incentives or initiatives.

As an organisation the World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage (WTACH) believes in empowering destinations to succeed. We have assembled a team of internationally recognised experts to help you unlock your true revenue potential.

Understanding how to retain Value helps shape your future